Proportions and Percentage Simulator

Learning Target: Students will identify missing proportions and utilize percentages in real-world situations.

Task: Students will interact with NPCs and observe their surroundings to apply knowledge of proportions and percentages while navigating through three different real-world situations.

Lesson Setting:

  1. A distribution center with 18 wheelers, shipping containers, and secretaries and truckers as NPCs. This section focused on proportions.
  2. A Farmhouse restaurant with wait staff and patrons as NPCs. This section focused on percentages
  3. Sports Arena with a scoreboard to observe. Players, sports fans, and concessions stand operators as NPCs with which to interact. This section focused on both proportions and percentages.

Materials: Students are given a worksheet, one page front and back, with questions to answer and instructions to follow.

Time: Students were given 40 Minutes to complete the assignment. Those that were focused finished in about 30 minutes.

Setup: Students worked individually or groups of two if they did not have a laptop

What worked:

  1. Using Canva to create the pictures representing receipts for the restaurant, and the packing orders for the distribution center.
  2. Placing the pictures in OneDrive, and then linking them to an NPC in Minecraft for students to interact with.
  3. Utilizing Planet Minecraft and Amulet to create and edit the world.


What could have gone better

  1. Creating graphics on the worksheet for students to refer to when solving the problem would have created more depth to the assignment



Below are some of the questions students had to answer from each section.