Perimeter and integers for MID class

The MID teacher contacted me one day waiting to know how to implement a Minecraft lesson in her classroom. After a brief meeting, I came up with this lesson. The students, even the ones who were disinterested in the topic, loved the lesson.


Learning Target: Students will identify and create examples of perimeter and integers.

Task: Students create and count fences that create a perimeter around various objects. Students will also identify integers and means of depth.   

Lesson Setting:

  • Creating fences around houses and counting the perimeter
  • Making fences around lost farm animals, counting the perimeter
  • Digging a well, counting down with integers
  • Digging a pool, count down with integers

Materials: Students are given a one-page front and back worksheet with questions to answer and instructions to follow.

Time: Students were given two days to complete the assignment, Most were able to do so.

Setup: Students worked individually or groups of two if they did not have a laptop

What worked well:

  • Using Canva to create the graphics used on the worksheet.
  • Simplified instructions


What could have gone better

  • The graphics done in Canva had to be rescaled to be large enough to useful for the students.